Choose a Italian Cane Corso Puppy
Choosing to adopt and grow a puppy (especially if of large size) should not be light-hearted. It is necessary to study the characteristics of the breed, collect the information and advice of the breeders and, above all, compare what we have learned with our own needs and our availability (whether it is a Cane Corso puppy for the family or for breeding).
Valle di Salso breeding is not a puppy mill. We make a few litters a year to carry on our breeding program and to enjoy the joy (and sometimes the pain) that new puppies bring at home.
For this reason you will never hear us making promises like "This puppy will be a Champion" or make binding orders like "a gray puppy, blue eyes, three months old, well-educated".
If you like our philosophy and have chosen to buy a Italian Cane Corso puppy, tell us what you're looking for by filling out the form below!